In vergangen Wochen wo ich mal wieder gespielt hab bzw. versucht habe intensiv zu spielen hat die Cheate rei wirklich zugenommen. Das war zu VCs besten Zeiten nicht so schlimm wie jetzt.
Das komische ist man kann inzwischen sehen das es immer die selben Penner sind z.b. Neger stolen my Bike, unw. meist Ändern sie kurz ihre namen und kommen dann wieder.
Namenfaker sind auch nervig wobei das nicht ganz so häufig vorkommt.
Aber was mich hier echt auf die Palme bringt das sind CTF und andere Server die Granaten, Bubby traps, Splitterminen und Funker ausschalten aber dennoch Camper & Sniper zulässt. Das macht 0 Fun.
Da bin ich doch lieber wieder bei Battelfield aktive weil dort in den Servern ist meist alles was möglich ist auch benutzbar. Natürlich gibt es da auch Cheater. Aber dort gibt es die Möglichkeit diese Penner zu melden wo durch sie tatsächlich gesperrt werden was dort viel mehr gewicht hat man bedenke nur Wie viel Zeit man benötigt um alles was geht freizuspielen.
Jedoch mal ein dickes Lob an die Coop Karten Ersteller hier sind echt klasse Maps dabei.
Serveradmins die Mitspielen oder von Spielern unmittelbar benachrichtigt werden - das braucht es !
Aber man sollte,wenn die *Admins* schon aufm Server sind wie z.B. *ESL - Fun Server* wenigstens darrauf achten das man beobachtet wenn man kickt,der Admin banned sowieso gleich alle.
Sonst geht es euch wie mir:
375 Admin : kangeruh ban... fire over wall
Kan*geruh banned by administrator for 0 hours
there are many attacks on my play by sending message to chat with "cheater, cheater cheater" when the time is advantageous for me :-)
but I am not so good for score, but I like to play because of game actions,
so I decided to record my gameplay.
public gameplay available on youtube :
I experienced the same thing in this server: ESL server.
It was expelled three times from the server after 10 minutes of play, I had the message "Connection timed out".
The other players have told me that I was being expelled for cheating "cheat 21 and cheat 22" .
I waited a few minutes and I reconnected to the server ESL no longer be expelled.
Really strange this thing had never happened anything like
Yes,is a Ping Problem
Server or from Player...when to many Players on Server than this Connection Problem.
Is First Time this Time-Out.
I Play with Vietcong Install 10-11 Years..No Reinstall/No Install....No Probleme
I have No Cheats
Der grösste Mist Server ohne Antiban ist der *ESL Server #1*
Nur Cheater,Camper,Möchtegernidioten,Kiddis,Teamkiller rund un die Uhr....
Schämt Euch !!!!!
i will stop playing's no more many cheaters and is already dead since game-spy is gone...i had fun many years playing this game but now it's time to move on...i will delete vc now...
Try closed servers, for coop i can suggest HNN server (go to teamspeak and check who is online from HNN players), or try other servers. If admins are online, then it is still fun.
Neele vc does need players like you, I have many rounds played with you and it was awesome... every game has cheaters, but you can still wait for vc community hub by brchi...
and other thing: I have a gameplay with you in .Mini. map played yesterday (uploading soon) ..we were there 11 players but your score is unbelievable :-)) You cant stop playing this game, because of some mental losers ( = cheaters)...
If all good player go away, there stay here only losers (pillocks), and this is the real end of vietcong... but there are still clear players and active admins
thank u for your kind words...
i was playing on the esl server today and it just made me angry and sad...there was this player called Viled he killed everybody with his knife it was no fun...
i sooo hope brchi has success with the hub...
yes it is always fun on this server the trick was u chose mg lay on the ground and they won't look at u on some maps i'm good because i played them many times on some i'm really bad
i tryed to delete vc but i couldn't...i like this game too much...
maybe u right...we should not give up on this game...sometimes i really wish i was admin on some servers...