I found a little bug !? in the Vietcong 1 Editor. When i imported my custom object with 2 custom collsions ( ^K = playershape, ^SF = bulletshape ) all works correct, but when I shoot the object from one side in a 90° degrees angle, the bulletcollision seems to work, but when i shoot from another angle or the backside the collision detection doesn't work.
Now when I rotate the object for eg. 180 degrees, the other side works and the backside not.
Am I the only one that has this problem...?
..and can I ignore it?
I don't know if it is bug or not. If you know object !kolizepomocna.bes, there is also colission only from one side. It is because of possibility of player can enter from one side (enter the map) but no exit. Solution is simply - use this colission twice, one is rotated by 180 degrees.
kosti, didnt you see the video? its is not the object. the collision only seems to work in one direction in world. ando, the collisions both exist and work, but the bulletcollision only works from one world direction, not only on direction of the object.
Those collisions are seldom used obviously...and by seeing their names, maybe they have "special properties" we have to use in certain circumstances and with specific settings?!?
Do you really need them for your object?
not the map. i tested it on every map and created new maps. maybe because i run my editor on w7 64-bit in xp-mode? i have more bugs. you can see them in the video too...either when i shoot the fps drops from eg 2000 to 1.