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Mapping issues
Hello, I have some problems I haven't been able to fix.
First is a issue with total commander, when I first installed it it worked, collected source.c and scr files the first time only, now it will only collect .scr files. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times but same results, does anyone know what is wrong?

Second is I am trying to put a ammobox in a coop map, I had done it before but about 10 years ago. I tried ando's ammobox but wasn't sure how to link it to the script, tried putting script by the .bes file and it created scr file but ammobox did not work.
I tried Obie's way, did not work. I tried Gonzo's box and coop.c and but that also failed. I have researched and read the links here about it. unfortunatly VCG johns video is no longer there. Does anyone know how to link Ando's box to the script or any ideas why Obies method is not working? RESOLVED!

Any help would be great, thanks,,,STILL LOOKING FOR ANSWER FOR TOTAL COMMANDER

Found ammo box solution here, thanks KostiCZ
1. In LEVEL.C somewhere in section:


add line similar as:


Where killer is name of object in editor and killer.c is script
Edited by SGT PEPPER on 27-02-2025 21:21
  x 1

I didn't quite understand what you mean by total commander and "collected source .c and .scr". When you finalize a map, the .c scripts are compiled into .scr files and then packaged into the map. If you unpack the map in total commander, there will always be only .scr. The original source .c will not be there and you will not be able to decompile it. That's why I put the SourceData of my maps on my website, where you can also check out my scripts in .c format. But don't expect any gems there, I'm not Ando.

I haven't tried Ando's version of ammobox. But when I was trying to add a rotating object to the map, I figured it out.

     I read in the VC script SDK that adding a script to an object is easy. The object
script (.c) must have the same name as the object (.bes), for example if there is an
object called box.bes in one directory and there is also a file called box.c, it will be
loaded automatically. If you put the script.c with the object in the
Vietcong\Levels\YourMaps\OBJECTS\ directory, it won't work. The object is
wrapped in the map after finalization, but the script is not. You need to get the
script into the
Vietcong\Levels\YourMaps\data\CurrentMap\SCRIPTS\ directory. So put it
there as well with the .bes object with the same name.

Regarding my ammobox. I edited according to Obie.
After the line
insert CASE for COOP which is missing.
        hide_CTF_flags = FALSE; // This is for ammoboxes
        hide_weapons = FALSE; // This I added for adding weapons into map

This will work for the defined COOP mode.

My is in the Tutorials on my website or in any SourceData map.
My ammobox .BES has a subobject called AmmoboxCTF0. I made it dynamic - I assigned physics to it.

I hope I helped at least a little.
GONZO attached the following image:

[93.44 kB]

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I forgot to add that in the editor you also have to rename my ammobox to AmmoboxCTF0 or AmmoboxCTF1 ...
And it will work. In one of my maps I forgot to do that (G_Backcountry) and one box in the bunker doesn't work. But the rest are OK.
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I used Ando's ammo box and added this in level.c ; SC_SetObjectScript("killer","levels\\DEATHVALLEY\\DATA\\Valley_SqB_real\\SCRIPTS\\KILLER.C"; and that worked. I had done this before but it was about 10 years ago and I forgot how I did it.
I did try Obies method, also tried your files and bes but nothing wanted to work.
I am now trying to use Ando's traps, punji pit is working fine but whip trap and mace trap are crashing the editor when trying them out, will try to figure that out.

As far as TC, it did collect source c files, I used it for that reason years ago. Recently got back into mapping and reinstalled TC. The first map I collected on got the source c files included but since that only scr files . Thanks for replying.

I downloaded your map, will check it out later!
  x 1
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