I recently upgraded my Computer System. It is utilizing an Intel I7-4790K Quad Core processor with 16-GB Ram in conjunction with an NVIDIA GTX-770 Video Card running on WINDOWS 10. Following are issues I am having with Vietcong Fist Alpha as a result of my system upgrade and WINDOWS 10 operating system:
1) Instead of higher FPS and smoother play I am experiencing poor Video Performance which resembles horrible lag and glitching! (My ping was 12). Some maps worse than others depending on textures.
2) I installed both VC STARTER (1.51) (1.65) programs and there were still no improvements in Video Performance.
3) I also noted that the log file "connections.txt" is not updating the log-on information which VCGUARD 10.3 provides on the dedicated server I am running on my updated system.
Is anyone else having the same problems? If so, have you found any remedies to resolve? Your help on these matters would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks Paolo!! This fixed my Video FPS problem!! Again, many thanks!!!
I have one last problem. The "connections.txt" file on VCGUARD 10.3 is not updating with the ip addresses, log-on information, for each person logging into the server on Windows 10. Are you familiar with this file? Do you know what may be causing this? See examples of the entries to this file below. Thanks in advance for any help!
As for the identification of the nation you need a file (ip2nation.sql).
ip2nation uses international official IP ranges to detected the user's location based on a simple IP
I have that file loaded. It is not the problem. The SQL file shows the Country on the console for each player. My problem is the "logs" folder in the Vietcong folder where the "connections.txt" file, shutdown.txt, and cmdlog.txt are located. These files are no longer updating??? It works fine on XP but quit working on Windows 10. I tried VCGUARD 11.52 as you suggested but it does not help. Thanks!
At this point I can not tell, I will also work on Windows 10 all the log files are updated
Maybe you could try to rename the logs folder or possibly move it and see if it is re-created with the files inside
Or try running the VCDED.exe files compatible Windows xp mode
Select the properties of the file and choose to run in compatibility mode
The server starts it on your PC? Or on an external source?
You pointed me in the right direction Paolo I was starting the server using VCGUARDED.exe. I changed it to VCDED.exe and ran as ADMINISTRATOR and NOW THE FILES ARE UPDATING CORRECTLY!!!!!! I did not have to modify any files. Just changed the executable.