Yes, I need your help, once again!
As most of you already know, I'm trying to release my second custom map as soon as possible but unfortunately, things are not going for the best...
In the last tests we made, my custom map crashed the server with an old bug I remember to have seen in the past, many years ago...
So, when we load the map, the server is crashing with the "full server" bug!
Most of the time, 1 or 2 players are still on the map, after the loading, but all the others are usually kicked from the server for "cheating". But when those latters are back to the game's browser, they will see a server "full" (all slots busy) and are enable to rejoin...
- The map has been build with "classic and regular scripts" already used in the past and "troubles free" normally...
- The map is crashing the server if the players have joined the server on another "regular" map before the loading...
- The map won't crash the server if we put it at the first place in the list when we restart the server...
- After the regular beta tests at 5 players, we made more "stressing tests" but at 2 players only this time and the map hasn't crashed once after the 4 or 5 attempts we made!!!
- It seems that the map is crashing the server when some "datas" (?) previously loaded from another map or from the players (?) are loaded at the same time with the map, and "incompatibilities" are causing those crashes...
- Once the map is loaded and all the players are on the map, everything is working normally and the players can rejoin the server also...
- We will still investigate on our side for the next beta tests...
It's all I'm thinking to report for the moment... So, if you have ideas "where to search for", I'm taking them!
You can try to remove the game-modes one after the other, maybe there is some corrupted script or an error when finalizing the map.
If i remember right this happened before , ist the reason why there are maps that exist with different names like "MAPNAME"DMTDM and "MAPNAME"ATGCOOP....that used to be the trick for working maps.
Well, I think we have finally found what was causing all those bugs and crashes! And the bad winner is... the waypoint!!!
Nowhere I've read or heard how important it was to have "healthy waypoints" but apparently it is the case!
The Editor and the game won't complain... The map will be finalized normally but it will be "infected" for sure and will start to behave strangely with all kinds of bugs and crashes!
Today, my beta testers and I (thanks again for their help and patience!) have tested the map with the waypoints "corrected" and everything worked perfectly! I even made a version of...Intrusion with the waypoints "corrected" (some are still present) and all the crashes and bugs (I explained in this thread) seem to have disappeared at the same time!!!
- I should create a thread in my mapping section as soon as possible to explain you all "how to" fix that mess!
- If you have instabilities, crashes, respawning problems and bugs of all kinds with your map, check your waypoints!!!
- I will still continue the researches to be 100% sure we found the culprit!
- I will still continue the researches to be 100% sure we found the culprit!
Recently, we tested another map having a respawning bug (once the server left, it was impossible to respawn back on the map) but after to have fixed the errors in the waypoints, the problem has been solved!
So, to resume...
It's the third time that I fixed "unstable maps", having different problems (but of the same kind), by correcting errors found in the waypoints only!
For too many years "we all" thought unstable maps were mainly caused by corrupted scripts but now it seems evident that only errors in the waypoints are causing those instabilities, crashes and bugs!!!
I'm still wondering if people realise and understand how important that discovery is...