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View Thread: Servers in Vietcong
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Servers in Vietcong
The activity in vietcong is very low, and we need to do something about it!
I belive 70% or more of the players that played Vietcong before gamespy went down dont know how to see the servers now.
What can we do to get atleast 20-30% of the players back? and other Vietcong related webpages need to update their front page with some information about the servers, why players cant see them and how to be able to see the servers again. So that old vietcong players can seach on google about "no servers in vietcong" "cant see servers in the serverlist of vietcong" and other questions like that.
The easiest way to see the servers again without having to start another program then Vietcong is
*Download: VietcongServers.RAR file
*Unpack anywhere and copy the file
*If you got windows installed on disc station C it will look like this: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc If you got Windows installed on another disc then place it there but in same location \Windows\System32\drivers\etc
*When you are in the etc folder you will see a simular file named hosts (delete this one, and paste the hosts file that you unpacked from VietcongServers.RAR file)
*Restart your computer
*Start Vietcong, and you will see all the servers again

It is also possible to edit the already existing file with notepad
If you open the hosts file with notepad go down to the bottom of the text and type in a new line
Save it as the same file that it was and reboot your computer. Run Vietcong and you will be able to see the servers again!

If you for some wierd reason think that this is scary, then you have to use programs to be able to see the servers (one of them is qtracker) or go to Webpages that got the servers listed.

I think we need to get this out pretty fast, before the Vietcong players lose their hope of seeing the servers again, and starts to play other games or even worse things......


How to do it on Youtube:
PuMa attached the following file:
vietcongservers.rar [573 Bytes, 6439 Downloads]
Edited by PuMa on 13-09-2014 17:23
  x 1
I think one good way of doing this is making a "How To" video for Youtube,so lots of people can see it,and hopefully gain more players.
SignatureGet busy living,or get busy dying - Andy Dufresne
  x 1
Agree on that! I will try to make a video on youtube on sunday, if not anyone else would like to do it.
wazz about just to use Qtracker ?????? I think that 80% of all player don´t want to modify the windows system !!!!!
Don´t make it more complicated. Just show them how to use Qtracker to join the game.
Edited by sniperspider on 12-09-2014 19:36
sniperspider you need to relax, this does not modify windows. you are just setting up a host with the gamespy IP that make it possible for the game to see the servers again. So you can start vietcong in the normal way. It takes 1 minute to fix and nothing is changed, if u open the file with notepad you can see what it says.

It is so stupid of you to make accusations about things you dont know ANYTHING about, and make other players use programs that they dont really need to use!

Since you are so sceptic about the host file, copy the host file that is already in the etc folder, save it in a folder on your desktop then try the host file i uploaded. restart your pc and start vc and you will see. If you dont want to see the servers, simply delete the host file and take back the original one that you saved on the desktop.

And this is WAY more simple then using qtracker, if you do this you only have to do it ONCE, with qtracker you always need to run the program.
you take the most complicated way. Installing Qtracker is easier for 90% of all players.
I didn´t tested it, but really I don´t want to host all games in Qtracker, but maybe all games are hosted there with
the modified windows file. I am hosting since 1996 beginning with diablo 1 and I am working in IT. You see the result are empty servers. Yes, I am sceptic.
Edited by sniperspider on 13-09-2014 16:26
The reason for empty servers are because of Gamespy. My intentions are good, im using my sparetime to help the players that cant see the servers, and want to run the game in normal mode, be able to update their serverlists ingame just like it was before Gamespy closed their service for vietcong. With this method Vietcong will be just like it was before, no need for special tools, no need for other programs.

I made a Tutorial about how to be able to see the servers ingame again on youtube:
SignatureWhat do you know about getting owned?!

Cheack out my esl page WhApAW->
I've posted this a few times and here it is again:

To get an "in-Game" server list or a list of servers that you can access there are several remedies listed below. Choose the one which is easiest for you at this time.

OPTION A. To get an "IN-GAME" server list not provided by options B or C below follow these steps:

1) First, make sure you log on to your computer with Administrator privileges. Secondly, Access the directory--C: Windows\system32\drivers\etc (Here you will find the file “hosts”). Open this file with Notepad. Then copy and paste the following lines to the end of the "hosts" file: #battlefield 2 #battlefield vietnam #battlefield vietnam #gamespy login session tracking #halo #star wars battlefront 2 #vietcong #vietcong #rtcw

2) Click on File Save (saves the "hosts" file with additions/changes). Do not save it as a .txt file. Changing the file type will render the file useless.

3) Start-up Vietcong and access the in-game server list. Servers should all be there (approx.. 45 servers).

That’s all there is to it. Also, this file change will not affect your computer operation as the primary function for this file is to redirect “OLD” url/IP to a “New url/IP, as in this case, Old Gamespy IP to Qtracker’s IP. In most cases your host file is not even being used nor has it been modified.

OPTION B. Go to Web site "" --- There you will find a list of servers and how to join the server.

OPTION C. Go to web site --- Download the free software. It will detect your Vietcong installation and will also provide the same list of servers as above and instructions on how to join.
SignatureDR. GIGGLEZ
its not only the server map .most of the old players are not playing much or playing at different times .... Vietcong is kind of outdated .still a very nice game to play but i like to play with the old jungle rats myself .I play dayz epoch napf now its a mod for arma2 and arma oa ..
most of the times i check the Vietcong info servers its kind of empty or some people i dont know . Would be nice to make a special event , post it on forum and i guess a lot will join.
If you have arma2 and arma2 oa perhaps you might check our site
Edited by DSOP-Apache on 14-09-2014 15:19
  x 1
I still play , but seems another people does not Sad
Put the tutorial on thepiratebay as a torrent.
Its not a illegal file, maybe we get more attention to get or people back.
Hi All,
Even I don't play anymore, damn Gamespy broke it all.
I think that vietcong is really dying and in 1 or 2 years there will be no players anymore.
Wanted to play some vc again and no server were found. Thanks for the fix puma! Sadly most server i find with players on it are some crappy no nade servers... RiP VC...
  x 1
I think vietcong had a great lifespan for a 3d game, it's a kind of sad that this game will gone for ever for never revive again
Silent Bob
fayi wrote:
I think vietcong had a great lifespan for a 3d game, it's a kind of sad that this game will gone for ever for never revive again

That´s what People said 5 years ago.....VC still kickin....
  x 1
cant host for some reason
i see the other servers but when i hit create
it load sup then when finished loading it says kicked form server
any ideas?
my ports are all open so im at a loss here
Try running the server by vcded.exe.
Also, kicked for what #?

And hey people, don't be so pessimistic. I think as long as the game runs on modern computers (anyone tested Win10?), it got a chance!
Edited by Brchi on 30-10-2014 10:17
It is working fine on win 8 so i belive if win 10 comes with compatibility mode, vc will work just fine Smile
SignatureWhat do you know about getting owned?!

Cheack out my esl page WhApAW->
doesmnt say , i go to nultiplayer
i click on create, server loads then it just says server has kicke dyou , i assume it means master server
ok its working now just need to see if anyone can see it
its called JFC server
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