I can't seem to find my vietcong\ini\players file I only have multieplayer and a data folder. I have tried extracting VC a few times but no luck I also have used total commander but that failed too, The reason for me trying to find the players file is to get different skins for my COOP VC.
second problem - it seems you have wrong script or something is not defined... try to google some tutorials how to make vietcong maps for beginners, i think i posted here some links on youtube few days ago. I also can advice SDK scripting manual and VC Editor help, it can give you a lot of answers
Oh! its a CBF file LOL that's why its not in the ini folder thanks Kosti I have seen all those Vietcong editing vids a while ago and know most that stuff already but I will keep looking at the VC editor help THANKS!
When I started with mapmaking, I had only help for editor and SDK scripting manual, there were no other helps/manuals/videos 10 years ago. If you can upload your map somewhere I can make fast check what is wrong.
Thank you kosti, I tried to finalize my map and it said " Compiler error: C:/program files/vietcong/dev/compiler/inc/mplevel.inc line 118 message 'case' value already used"
So, I go to line 118 and see what the error is? And try to fix it? I think it's getting this error because I remember that I was changing things in inc to get respawning weapons into my COOP maps.
I think I found the problem "case GVAR_MP_multiplayer_missiontype_CTR" was changed to CTF lol I found out because I checked what it was on my other computer. Funny that 1 letter was stopping me. From playing my map haha