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View Thread: VC crashing at startup with Win7
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VC crashing at startup with Win7
Hi guys,
I really do appreciate this online forum. I use to play VC years ago when it was HUGE and I ran a clan, now a few of my old gaming buddies have tried to reinstall the game and play again. Some were successful but some, such as myself are having problems.

I installed game with the disks. Updated to 1.6 patch. When i click on shortcut and press play, it goes black then crashes.

I have tried different resolutions, ran in every other compatability mode and still not working.

I have googled this VCstarter thing and I just can't seem to get it working. I've watched some video's but they are quite old and bad quality and could not use them.

I have 64bit windows 7, 8gb ram, quad core cpu and big screen.

If anyone can help that would be fantastic.

Have a look in this thread... You will probably find the solution.
Be sure to use the latest VCStarter version! Wink
Good luck!

Thanks for reply,
only that was for more like single player crashing (during gameplay) where as my game crashes on the little start up dialog box when you click play.

Any other help would be extremely appreciated!
"Fix crashes due to sound problems ..." is the option you're looking for.
But better have a look at the Windows Sound settings, and be sure that at least one active playback and one active recording device exists, because the engine needs both to start up. Then you don't need the VCStarter option (which will just disable engine sounds).
Hi there, I'm new here and I call myself 5tag.

Basically I have the same problem as CleanGetaway: I try to launch Vietcong 1.6 on a Windows 7 64bit system and after a few seconds of black screen I get a crash to desktop.

What I have ruled out so far:
- VCStarter v1.4.1 neither causes nor fixes the problem (standard and custom settings)
- VC setup (recommended and custom settings) is not helping

Now some additional information:
This game used to run on this same system in the past. Back then I had troubles getting it started, too. The solution was that the game folder was in the wrong directory. If I remember correctly it was in "Program Files (x86)" and when placed elsewhere (C:\Vietcong) it would work. Maybe it was the other way around.
However now the game will never start up, no matter where I put the game folder.

What's worse is that a friend of mine plays Vietcong multiplayer on a W7 64bit system without problems, I'm not even sure if he needs the VCStarter.

Now the version of Vietcong I have here has been passed around at LAN-Parties, I think I made custom sound files at some point (CBF packer?), blood patches were applied... I deeply hope that it's just broken.

I ordered a used copy of Purple Haze, but I doubt it will solve anything (thread starter had a fresh install too).

I attached the pt_excp.txt file, maybe one of you cracks is able to read anything out of it.

So long: Merry Christmas everyone!
5tag attached the following file:
pt_excp.rar [1.2 kB, 645 Downloads]
Hey Stag!

Use VCStarter 1.5.1 and try the option "Fix crashes due to sound problems ..." or try without VCStarter and disable sounds in the setup-window.
The engine needs an active input and output device, so if sound under windows works, you may not have an active microphone set (in this case, either add one or use that VCStarter option to bypass mic. init.).

If that doesn't help, I could have a look via teamviewer.
Hey Brchi!

Thank you for your reply! I have both audio output and input devices. I tried the "disable sound" option in the setup window and I checked the box for sound bug fix in VCStarter - none of this helped.

However, I found out even though my VC version originated from copy&paste at LAN-parties, Windows had an installation of Vietcong registered. I made a backup of the files and deinstalled, which took not even a second and the game files remained untouched.
I also had Daemon tools images of both Vietcong CDs so I tried a fresh installation and it worked! After patching and applying VCStarter I'm now running 1.6 in multiplayer just fine.

I only have to wait for Purple Haze to arrive so I can make use of the mighty SVT40 again. Grin

I am now facing different technical problems, but I'll dig out another old thread for that matter.

Again, thank you - and merry Christmas!
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