like some of you just realised the vietcong esl section closed today.There is still the CZ/SK section with all known ladders and some cups. Atleast more as in the old eu section. Thats why WE want to make it possible for eu players to join into this section. At the moment its only useable for cz or sk players. Some players just sent some mails to the admins but there was no responsive from their side. I sent a support in that section in i guess it was december. G*LOST*ER told me that they are waiting for UAC4 but he also told me that they already were in the beta testings (its 5 month later now) and it should be already finished.
Our question is - why arent we allowed to join them? Maybe some cz/sk players are thinking we are cheating.. That would explain the waiting for UAC4. But NOT EVERY EU PLAYER IS A CHEATER! Sure we got some of this stupid kids, but we dont want them in the esl such like the cz players.
Now we want as much as possible players to join the 1on1 Spring Cup in their section(we are not able to join at this time). No matter if you like 1n1 or not. It's just to show them that there is NO matter to dont let us join their ladders and cups. So we need YOUR help to make vietcong in the esl possible for eu players. Give us your YES to join that ladder and we will speak and hopefully convince G*LOST*ER to let us join the cup and maybe their ladders after a successful cup.
Copy and paste your name after this list of you want to join! I hope for much names.
I want to join that cup and make the esl for ru players possible!
This is a sad day for all the eu players from esl We will lose many good men today, and there will be harder for us to merge with CZ ladders now that our forum at ESL also got deleted.
Im hoping that one day in the future we will be able to join the cz ladders but at the moment it looks a bit dark for us
I want to thank everyone in the ESL for all the great matches in the past years.
I hope that some of us still will be playing vietcong without ESL, so the game can stay alive abit longer. Atleast im still going to play it
I will try to make a gather every now and then when im able, so keep in contact!
I want to join that cup and make the esl for eu players possible!
Well, feel free to invite EU players to our site to get some nice matches played. I am sure some of us will take part in some ctf matches and also some of you may join a coop or ATG_Coop round
The last 1,5/2 years as admin on ESL, i tried to convince the CZ admins/players, that it would be nicer to combine(fuse) the 2 sections. Since we didn't had many active players(around 50 max) and they have/had loads. That it wouldn't be nice for us, to keep playing and playing against the same guys etc. And if we could join the CZ section, the avarage level of skill would go up aswell, since only a few(10-15 players max) could handle the skill level of the EU players.
But after many attempts, they failed to even aswer back to me. And if they did, it was always with the same reasons, like some you have already explained here above departed. Some eu players cheat. They don't know us, like they do know eachother from cz lan tournaments etcetc. So basicly, they don't trust us, cause they have never seen us playing in real life, like they did with eachother on those tournaments.
Indeed. We could get ''try out'', to join there ladders when uac4 will be released, but that ''beta test uac4'' rumour is already more then half a year old.
Also i will not try any attempt on ESL to get our Eu section back. Funny isn't it... i spend my time on there for the last 1,5/2 years, and they don't even take the time to inform me about willing to close the section. I just wanna loggin, and i see the section is closed. Let those guys just go screw themselves lol.
But to be short : If it's possible to join cz league, i will do it. But i will not be admin again, or spend time to arrange those things with the cz guys. So if/when it's possible that eu players can join the cz section, just inform me.
It is unbelivable the way they are capable of shutting things down.. over night... no warning, no nothing... not even an email to admins. I find it rude.
Even VC forums are closed.
VC brings like 70% of activity to whole CZ Esl section(master admin of all CZ ESL section told me that before few months), and CZ comunity will protect that.
Even if EU players get permission to join CZ ladder ... that will automaticly made it an EU ladder.... how ever u turn it around... thats the product.....i know CZ players will not be happy about it... but i do hope is possible...
What i think it would work out good is to keep all ladders closed, but have monthly cups (like every 3 weeks or something) and gathers are still available.
Sad day for Vietcong, but it will not maneage to ruin all the happy moments!
I want to join that cup and make the esl for eu players possible!
-the warrioR
It's been a long time since I was on ESL,but why the hell not !!!
I want to join that cup and make the esl for eu players possible!
-the warrioR
I want to join that cup and make the esl for eu players possible!
-PuMa <3
-the warrioR
GoGs wrote:
I hope not!!
Because CZ section will then become EU HAH if they are smart they will not do that!!
What difference would that make? They can keep there own admins, their own ladders, there own forums etcetc. The only thing that will change is the few more people who will join there ladders, and increase the overall skill
GoGs wrote:
I hope not!!
Because CZ section will then become EU HAH if they are smart they will not do that!!
What difference would that make? They can keep there own admins, their own ladders, there own forums etcetc. The only thing that will change is the few more people who will join there ladders, and increase the overall skill
LG wrote me the following thing on ICQ:
LG 11.04.2012 19:42
eu players choosed their way cz players wont help you because it will mean end of cz
- 11.04.2012 19:44
- 11.04.2012 19:44
LG 11.04.2012 19:44
language barrier
LG 11.04.2012 19:45
thanks this it will be 2 active teams out
LG 11.04.2012 19:45
some cz dont like you
LG 11.04.2012 19:45
1-2 more teams will leave
LG 11.04.2012 19:45
with dont like you i mean dont like eu players
- 11.04.2012 19:46
its about a GAME
- 11.04.2012 19:46
not about aargh no i dont like him -> ban
LG 11.04.2012 19:46
so we dropped 4 active cz teams and it can influance league stability because there are only 10 active teams and 10 inactive play time to time and i dont know much about them
LG 11.04.2012 19:46
This what departed posted is what i am talking about..... unfortuenatly, 80% of CZ VC comunity will not learn/or start talk english... and we shure will hard learn cz.... all tho i think we all know how to comunicate.. we did it before.. kurwa, lowbob... and so on... LOL
I want to join that cup and make the esl for eu players possible!
-the warrioR