I'm looking for anybody able to make simple programm watching running process under windows and when this process crashed simply run it again and after some time click by mouse to defined coordinations. Is anybody able to make it?
Yes, something like VCDST but with solved teamrespawn bug. I have VCDST 0.9.0 but the bug is still present even I check Respawn Whole Team box. :-( So I cannot use it for vietcong.info server.
Solar announced his new version of VCDST last summer but he is not responding, no news about it. So I need anybody else who is able to do something similar, maybe without extra functions...
So, the bug is that after restarting, the respawn method option isn't set properly? Do you need a fixed value (whole team) only? Or should it check the .ded file?
Maybe I can modify VCDST.
I'm not sure how VCDST works. VCDST is perfect programm, but this is serious bug, which is not related to VCDST but to VCDED. When you start VCDED with file.ded parameter, the teamrespawn is not working, but when you start it without any parameter and then click on Play button when setup window appear, everything works fine. So I think root cause is in VCDED but VCDST is not fixing it how it was announced. If somebody can tell us the principle why the problem appears (if vcded is not able to recognise the correct value in ded file...?) it can be very useful.
Is possible to modify vcded also if we find problem is there?
He created simple programm which is checking vcded process in memory and when it crashes it start it again, just vcded without parameters. After few seconds the programm click by mouse on defined coordinates on the screen. The advantage is that ded file is not used, this is the same like when you start vcded manualy and then click on Start button.
How do you fix the bug? What was the problem? Is it tested? I think we can add it to 1.70 patch, if it will work. I can test it on third server (now under 1.70)
Ah okay. Well, I tried to find the bug in vcded.exe as you mentioned :) At the end, it was just a limitation value not being set to 0xFFFFFFFF but to 0.
Just a few bytes changed: www.thearchifamil...s/game.dll