I thought this could be useful for you guys. I'm using it regularly.
This is my first script.Made for fun. Actually i needed to move selected uv clusters exactly 1 uv tile in witch direction i choose so i made a script. And added a few things...
To install it go to Maxscript/RunScript and then run it. After that go to customize/customize user interface and under category choose "Simply Cool"
Its pretty much self explanatory
Move clusters is used to move selected cluster exactly 1 tile in witch direction you choose.
ScaleUVSelection is used to scale your selected clusters. If you are unwrapping with normalize unchecked than you know that it comes out big to the 0-1 tile. So you can scale it using those buttons. Scale/8 should be used in that case and then the rest of them. This way you can keep consistency of scaling across multiple cluster with multiple mappings applied to them.
Straighten Verticles, this one is used to make rows of verticles strait. Max2010 users allready have this built in but max2009 and lower do not have. So for max2010 user this is pretty much useless.
Transfer UV-s, if you have to identical objects but one has UV coordinated and other doesnt (usefull when you are unwraping in an external app but you don't want to alter the original mesh) so you can transfer the UV-s from one object to the other.
Mapping Methods,
used to apply one of the 3 mapping methods to the selection of objects, not just one object. You can adjust the parameters and those parameters are then applied to the selected objects.
Quick Mapping dialog
Its tested on max2009,max2010 and max 2011. It should be max7 and up compatable.