I have been trying to make ctf_bots maps. I have followed directions about the scripts, but still random crashes. Script file is attached. any help would be appriciated very much. Thanks
I found some bot scripts, probably the same as the one you used.
It is directly written there that you can use up to 4 BOTs for each side. You have 5 there.
from readme.txt:
How to re-use atg & ctf with bots scripts:
1. Put all those files to your levels' scripts directory.
2. You can use 4 bots per side, so create 8 player objects & assign the corresponding us/vcbot#.c files
3. Define multiplayer game mode and select atg4x4.c / ctf4x4.c file
4. That being done, go to your level's script dir and DELETE all *.c files!
Only *.scr files should stay!
5. Finalize and play
Nix 2005
I do have another question, how do you control spawn times in ctf_bots? Set the ctf spawn time but ctf_bots doesn't use that setting. Is it in the script? Can it be changed to 15 sec? Any help would be appriciated.
I wrote, I made some maps with coop scripts, same is it with BOTs, they are coop members. So use coopmate script but you need also usbasic.inc where is their beahavior.
It's hard for me, I'd like to help. But I really haven't done anything else but COOP. There you make a BOT as a player and give it properties in its script. That's all. If you have the scripts in the original, send them to me, I'd be happy to take a look. gonzo.vc@email.cz
there is no source code of the ctf bots script which was made by Nix in 2005 for the Custom Maps Contest. So you can only use the compiled .scr files in your map but you can not change anything.
I don't know who made them, one is from 2005, the other from 2012. I wanted to change respawn time, script overrides sever settings, but can't open the script. I was looking for someone who knows how to open this.