[SFX] Strikeforce addon V1.33
Posted by HHS on March 04 2014 14:06:24
The download link is up and all maps and modes are tested and double-tested on 3 different computers(ran into a strange but, a PC that had been doing some compiling on this project would initialize without problems, while same MapName wouldn't initialize on the two other, PC's.
I'm 99% sure that everything should work as intended, of course my tx3 problem was not indented but you can't let petty things like that stop you, there is a new day tomorrow and thousands of "what if" questions to be asked. As soon I figure my silly tx3 problem out I will of course repack addon "by the book"(hopefull), where all files except for AddonName.cbf and AddonName.ico/bmp, everything is inside the addon.
There is another bit silly thing but is shouldn't have any effect on Strikeforce Addon;
In My way of packing this type of addon the \maps\MapName.cbf goes entirely into AddonName.CBF and so does \levels\ from MapName.dat, except I leave TexDB_MapNam_IDENTIFIE-STRING.dat
and a file that is created when you Finalize a Map from within VC editor, called build.dat, both files are in \dev\ directory.
Further more I just want to point out that I would never use my knowledge about software or games to create cheats to the games of any of those mean spirited kind of things,. I think its ok to be curious, but if a player, each time he goes into a server, he can't be without his cheats, is just a sign of how incompetent and cannot be taken seriously as a player. People who cheat in games are *^#¤¤&%&/¤%&//&(#&/)#&/)"%&%/#%&"
Download link to Strikeforce X V1.33: