When I'm extracting .dat with Total Commander and then rename it to .CBF (then unpack) then some times the editor can't find some .bes files or some .bes files have a gray color.
Also the Sky have no colors.
Can some of you explain step by step how to .dat files to .sco files. (if there are other possibilities thats okay to).
I think missing .bes files are mostly objects from Fist Alpha. Try to add parameter "-addon fistalpha" to your command line of editor. I hope it can help. I remember I had the same problem few years before, so I unpacked all CBF and tried to find .bes file in unpacked folders, then I copied it to folder where editor tried to open it. The same should be with textures, it is grey/white(?) if editor cannot find the file.
I think The ACE is asking also how to extract objects from another map, isn't it? I saw such thread at different forum. There was question about version of CBF plugin. So can anybody confirm version of CBF.WCX we have in download section?
- how to export / import .BES and .DDS files from one map to another?
In the main mapnamefolder should be an folder called Objects where the .BES should placed , another folder called TEX where the .DDS files should be placed .
After placing them you should Editor/Tools/Rebuild TexDB so the .dds get loaded. ... and don't forget to press F8, F9 to load textures also into editor.
Hm, and what about Far Cry 1 terrains? I think there are some excellent terrains in multiplayer of that game. Is it possible to convert them somehow into VC1?
Peter Shannon wrote:
Hm, and what about Far Cry 1 terrains? I think there are some excellent terrains in multiplayer of that game. Is it possible to convert them somehow into VC1?