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View Thread: Need feedback from VC players for release of beta "Xieng Xeu" this week
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Need feedback from VC players for release of beta "Xieng Xeu" this week
We can try it on server, I will upload it

2LT William Theolinus "KostiCZ" Boner Jr.
LRRP Squad Baker, Delta Team
well, somethi9ng interesting happened this weekend, while assigning scripts, the entire terrain objects decided to disappear, strange that i never selected any of them, but, i think i found the solution. So, very VERY careful assignment of scripts is the answer, i had to use a backup.sco, rename it, and go about reassigning and placing the AI all over again...
  x 1
Backup your work each important step you do... mapname1.sco ... mapname2.sco etc. I had about 10 files for each map, so I was able to go one or two steps back

2LT William Theolinus "KostiCZ" Boner Jr.
LRRP Squad Baker, Delta Team
Here ya go guys, try it out

Its on the home page under "Latest new files"

Rick (Chavez_US)
  x 2  x 2
Hey Chavez,

first of all it's a nice map, Some kind of VET_Dakto feeling comes across. Pretty tough and agile VC's!

Are you sure about the lightmaps? I'd say a very low res lightmap onto the main terrain would give it a nice leopardish mixture of faintly dark and lit areas without stressing performance too much. As for now the ground looks a bit sterile. The darkening of the background textures with a gradient can eliminate or at least soften silouettes in the distance.

I took the freedom to try both, lightmap at 0.2 and a fog-colored gradient to the bg to compare:



Keep it up!

ps: There is a big twin tree floating at 43,5 53,5.
Edited by Silent Bob on 25-04-2013 11:57
I agree with Curandero, Chavez_US.

-The pics he's showing is what I was thinking about in my previous posts... Wink
I even think you could go "further" by starting the gradient above the horizon from several "virtual meters" because we are surrounded by hills. It should increased the "valley effect" and closed environment if we can't see "far away". It should also make your big hills appear more "naturally" and will avoid to see the bots appearing as "shadow puppets"...

-I also advise you to rework the light of some of your objects (mainly the trees > njk_liska for example) to darken them... They will match your map's lighting and your background's fog even more smoothly and naturally, to be part of "the same world".
Decrease the "light direction" of objects that will be in "shadowed areas" too...

-Some objects (few) are still "clipping".

-Add an ambient sound to your map.

-And don't forget the shadows for your dynamic objects!

Good work! Wink

Edited by Intruder on 25-04-2013 13:43
  x 1
Curandero wrote:
Hey Chavez, Are you sure about the lightmaps? I'd say a very low res lightmap onto the main terrain would give it a nice leopardish mixture of faintly dark and lit areas without stressing performance too much. As for now the ground looks a bit sterile. The darkening of the background textures with a gradient can eliminate or at least soften silouettes in the distance.

This is a foggy area to me...This is where you guys excel, and i don't. Truly im not understanding adding gradients to background and such. Should i upload the level file and have you do this for me, and i credit you when final version is released? Are you up to it? Honestly, when i tried to add lightmaps, i got errors, and it wouldnt let me compute them. That is why after seeing your two pictures, i wondered how you got it to run lightmaps for you...

Intruder wrote:
I agree with Curandero, Chavez_US.

-The pics he's showing is what I was thinking about in my previous posts... Wink
I even think you could go "further" by starting the gradient above the horizon from several "virtual meters" because we are surrounded by hills. It should increased the "valley effect" and closed environment if we can't see "far away". It should also make your big hills appear more "naturally" and will avoid to see the bots appearing as "shadow puppets"...

-I also advise you to rework the light of some of your objects (mainly the trees > njk_liska for example) to darken them... They will match your map's lighting and your background's fog even more smoothly and naturally, to be part of "the same world".
Decrease the "light direction" of objects that will be in "shadowed areas" too...

-Some objects (few) are still "clipping".

-Add an ambient sound to your map.

-And don't forget the shadows for your dynamic objects! Intruder

Once again, im not as good as you guys are with this area of editing. It would probably be easier to upload the Level file and have you guys add those special touches. Im hoping you guys may have time for this and i would definately give credit...

Rick (Chavez_US)
Edited by Chavez_US on 25-04-2013 22:00
Chavez_US wrote:

...Truly im not understanding adding gradients to background and such...

Adding gradient is rather simple Chavez_US but we are talking about a paint program here, like Photoshop, to edit your 4 "sky textures" (not the top one). I don't know what you're using as program but you should find tutorials about it on Youtube... Wink

Honestly, when i tried to add lightmaps, i got errors, and it wouldnt let me compute them. That is why after seeing your two pictures, i wondered how you got it to run lightmaps for you...

Chavez_US wrote:

...and also the terrain has objects on it which cause errors for LM's.

Are you trying to calculate everything at once? Don't! Just select your terrain and play with the values (they can cause errors if you bypass some). However, I haven't unpacked your map and don't know if your terrain is buggy...

...It would probably be easier to upload the Level file and have you guys add those special touches...

Concerning the "rework the light", "ambient sound" and the "the shadows", it's rather simple to do, don't worry... Wink

-I also forgot to say that you should change the collision of your river's ground because the one you chose won't give you a full "splash" sound when you walk on it... Wink

Edited by Intruder on 26-04-2013 12:37
Ahoj Chavez_US
Díky za novou mapu .četl jsem si od ostatních hráčů co si kdo přeje aby jsi dal do mapy .Včera jsme tvou mapu hráli a my co si jen chceme zahrát tak mám se mapa líbí.Pokud uděláš mapu jako noční a dohlednost snížíš na 60 m ,přidej nějakého odstřelovače a ještě bych tam dal nějakou jeskyni s kulometným hnízdem.
jinak díky a za všechny kluky a holky co jsi potěšil novou mapou.
did not had the change to see the whole map but i can only say Very very very Nice work.


Sorry for the late reply...

I think it might be possible to download the files down below and add them to your project. The DDS files are just darkened and the lightmap-files could be regeneratable in the lightmaps-tab. I have no experience with that, just uploaded the stuff so you can try, anyway you can calculate lightmaps to your liking. Hope you can download there:

  x 1
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