my problem is im paying a server in 1.6 version and somebody join to server a begin to make xplode all the players and cheating and thats my problem so i need no properly vcguard but a solution to this
We talked with Soul on TS.
So the problem is. He rent a server, so he is paying money for that server, but there is player/s that terorise him. Making all players explode...and that guy haves unban and every singe hack u can think of.
Now the problem is, because of this guy, server that Soul pays become empty and unplayable.
Thats why hes asking for any kind of help that would help him solve this big problem, and help him not waste money for nothing.
{420} had problem with same player before, therefore we know what he is going trough.
Silent Bob wrote:
Ever tried to IP ban that player?
I remember one Where i try:
banip [id] 240
banip [id] 0
ban [id] 240
ban [id] 0
100 times but no help, then he get Firewall ban...
But firewall ban is no problem on home server...
GoGs wrote:
I remember one Where i try:
banip [id] 240
banip [id] 0
ban [id] 240
ban [id] 0
100 times but no help, then he get Firewall ban...
But firewall ban is no problem on home server...
some admins lock the server and kick the cheater.
Right way is
banip reason/name ip 0
but there are still 1% players wich are able go around it
You can not ban this type of cheat. The player comes into the server and his cheat takes on the IP of any admin that are logged into the server. So if the admin gets the cheaters IP address to ban him he will be banning his own IP address.
There is also a cheat where the cheater comes into the server and takes on the servers IP address. The admin will try to ban or kick the cheater and that will coz the server to crash. The admin then thinks that the cheater crashed the server but in fact the admin crashed the server by baning the server IP address.
{ THM } had this problem for months and was able to fix it by installing the VC Guard.
hi to all, ( hi Gogs, Troll, Vlatka )
so sry my english is very bad i want try to write in german
hallo brchi,
mein und unser freundes clan lieben es jeden tag zu jumpen, du hast bestimmt schon unsere server gesehn * Join the {Ju$} Jump or Join the {Ju$} *
leider haben wir das gleiche problem wie alle anderen hier im forum das nur cheater auf auf unserem server joinen, warscheinlich kommen sie alle zu uns da sie bei euch keine chance haben, dazu kommen dann noch die ewigen nader und teamkiller,
naja was ich damit sagen will ist das wir keine chance haben normal und in frieden zu spielen.
da ich, wenn ich auf euren server bin, keinen von euch erreiche, da ihr die meiste zeit afk seid, wollte ich hier mal rein schreiben.
ich bin sehr an eurem vc guard interessiert, habe mir auch schon das offizielle no nade tool gedownloadet aber das funktioniert nicht richtig,
ich habe auch mit Figi geschrieben und er sagt, er kennt das problem und ich sollte mich mit dir brchi oder mit archi in verbindung setzten, naja nun versuch ich es auf diesem wege.
ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.