i am working on my new map with all your scripts. i need to give u some feedback:
1. the level.c u posted in this thread dont work when u dont have those objects (booby trap etc.). But just HTF mode dosnt worked cause of this...
2. After deleting ur level.c the HTF mode was only playable in editor. I choosed ur mp helper. apfelbaum suggested me to choose the rename option of vvh_glag_vc and this worked .
3. have nothing to do with this, but when i start my COOP, CTFbots and ATGbots Gamemodes game said "Initialization failed" and when i start them via editor's game menu i get the "CLN load done failed_001" error. i tried to move bots closer and upper to ground but nothing worked. For my VCCOOP i tried ur vccoop respawn points+script and the normal with USCOOP spwan points but dont work...
Hope somebody can help me...
that level.c was designed specially for my map. so you cant use it.
Test for HTF mode was sucessfull.
Option is to add small VC flag object to direction where is player with flag.
Two questions:
- should there be some timer before it apear, example 10 sec.
- olso it should disapear when too close to that player, but what distance (10m)?
I tried using updated HTF script, map loads to point you choose your side but crashes before you can pick a side. Went back to using prior version of HTF and map works fine.
Did you change something about how to set up map in editor?
Yes, its different object
its small map icon, but I used it as icon in game what will show direction of flag player.
I don't know the solution but maybe I may have an idea where to direct your research...
I think you should have a look in your mplevel.inc file in your dev > compiler > inc folder. If I'm not wrong, that file contains the options to hide or not the items used in the different modes... Maybe you have to edit that file for your flag's problem?